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6. Improv Emotion Expression - Self awareness

Main aim of the activity: To increase empathy and emotional self awareness in one self and others.

Time: 60 minutes

Target group: 13-30 years


The trainer starts by explaining that this workshop will be about improvisation and emotion expression. To get into character the trainer selects 3 participants and gives them a hat/crown each. The volunteers stand up in front of the other and the trainer then explains that that the game is called the good the bad and the ugly. The audience starts by giving a problem (eg. The room is too hot – any problem is ok) and the first one (the “good”) says a Good solution to the problem (eg. Turn on the AC), the secos by nd one has to give a bad solution (eg. Put on a blanket) and the third one has to give an Ugly solution (eg. Set fire to the room). The 3 volunteers then switch and go again. They repeat until all three has done the 3 solutions, then followed by them selecting another 3 participants to go up. This also encourages collaboration and inclusion. They do it for 2 or 3 more rounds and then go to the main activity. This serves them as a warm up into improv.

Materials: Tape, Paper. (make 3 crowns/hats with paper and tape)


Made by: Dejvid Bartolo

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